Sunday, October 25, 2015

Dunesteef Episode 175: Ship Of Fools by David Farland (Part 2)

At long last, the second half of David Farland’s “Ship of Fools.” What has become of Erstwhyle, Baron Blunder, and Amilee. Will Prince Crydon have them to rend to pieces and stomp underfoot, or will they find some way to counter his evil magic?

Afterward, Rish and I talk about…oh, we talk about writing again. Pretty much every time, huh?

Special thanks to Renee Chambliss, Graeme Dunlop and Ben Gifford for lending their voices to the story. 

Alright, if you want to check out this episode, go listen to it on the main Dunesteef podcast feed—(EDIT: Now that the feed is gone, the only way to hear the show is over on the Dunesteef Podcast YouTube page, which I am embedding below).

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