Thursday, October 24, 2019

Week 22

Week 22 of my Carnivore and Alternate Day Fasting adventure just wrapped up. How'd it go you ask? Well, If you really wanted to find out, the best way would be to watch the video where I talk all about it. That's what I would do.


I know I'm always harping on crap like this, and it surely gets tiresome, but can we get these freakin' food companies to quite with the up is down, white is black, day is night kind of descriptions of their food? Please?

I saw these "health" bars at the grocery store the other day, and couldn't help but chuckle.

The Elevation bar has the nerve to subtitle itself as the Better For You Bar. Seriously? Look at it. They have chocolate chips piled on top of it, and they want us to believe that it's better for us. Are we all dumb enough to believe that?

I suppose it all depends what they are comparing it to. A bar of raw sewage would surely be worse for your health...okay, you don't have to go that far. A regular candy bar, like a Milky Way or Snickers is probably slightly worse for you.

Right on the front of the box, it touts itself as being healthy by listing its stats. It's got 15 grams of protein. Of course just below that you see that it has 16 grams of sugar. In case you were wondering, 16 is more than 15. They shouldn't call it a protein bar, they should call it a sugar bar.

16 grams of sugar is 4 teaspoons...more than a tablespoon, which is only 3 teaspoons. Can you imagine taking a big old overflowing tablespoon of sugar, eating it plain, and then proclaiming yourself to be eating healthy? Such friggin' BS.

Funny thing is that a few years ago, I was dumb enough to be eating protein bars and still consider myself trying to be healthy.

Just ditch the carbs folks. Meat heals. It's my five month anniversary of starting into the carnivore diet today. My life has changed so much in the past five that I can't believe I'm the same person. And I'm not even done yet. I've still got a great deal of changes ahead. I'm loving every minute of it.

I'm sure the idea sounds crazy to you, but give it a chance. How has the carb heavy diet served our society after all. Maybe we got it wrong. Look into it, and it may change your life too.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Halloween Arts And Crafts

I watched a YouTube video about how to make a spooky tree so that I could create my scary graveyard toy display for my YouTube toy channel. I watched this video:

But didn't follow the instructions exactly. I didn't want a tree with a face or arms or anything. Just a tree that was action figure sized for atmosphere in the graveyard scene. This was my final product if you didn't see the video:

Or, if you prefer, you could just watch the video:

But after finishing the video, the artsy kids in the family got together and made their own versions of the tree. My daughter that spends all her free time with art stuck pretty closely to the instructions. She didn't just want an atmosphere tree, she wanted a spooky tree with light up eyes and candy corn on its head. Hers came out really well, I think. Here's a look:

Here's what its face looks like when the light is on:

Face close up:

The seven-year-old, I suppose we could just call him Little Anklevich, wouldn't let that candy corn last long though. By the time I took this high-angle picture to demonstrate how the candy sits in the tree, the level was already lowering.

Little made his own tree, though. He decided to do a hybrid between my regular, faceless atmosphere-style tree, and his sister's by the rulebook, candy corn on top tree. Here's what he came out with.

It's got a little bowl at the top to put candy corn in, but it only fits about three pieces. The candy corn lasts even less time in that one.