Sunday, July 14, 2024


Yesterday at about 3:00 PM, power was finally restored to my house.

 I've never been so happy to see a light turn on when I flipped the switch in my life.

Of course, once the power came on, that meant that there was a lot of work to do. We had to deal with everything that we've been forced to let slide all week. The laundry machine is gonna be so hot by the end of the day. The AC didn't just come back perfectly, but required some messing with it. The garage door sensors had been bumped and the door wouldn't close, so we had to fix that. Etc.

We had some nervous moments not long after the power came on, because a storm blew through, and our power dipped back out over and over again. We were all so traumatized, that we were expecting it to finally die and stay gone, but instead, it powered through (see what I did there?), and it's still on even after the rain.

We're back in business, and I'm so glad to get back to normal.


  1. Some things from the freezer were okay, but most had to be thrown out. I saved a chuck roast and a big 5 lb chub of ground beef...maybe a few steaks, although that remains to be seen. I have to unwrap them and see what they're like inside, and I'm afraid it won't be good. Most of our perishables perished, though.
