Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Revenge Of The Shame

Okay, it's the last shameful day for my book series posts. Today, I'm going to show off my hardcover copy of The Revenge of the Sith. Feast your eyes:

Things had changed a lot by the time 2005 came around and this movie came out. I'd never heard of Matthew Stover, for one. Who is that guy? He's not a big name author like the others were.  On top of that, this book wasn't easy to find. The first book was everywhere. The second book was available. This third book I didn't find at a store until weeks after the movie came out and I was nervous that I wouldn't find it at all.

Of course, maybe it would have been better if I hadn't, because I suspect I'm going to be unloading these books eventually. I have the whole collection, but I don't really want them anymore. I don't hate this movie like Rish Outfield does. I didn't like it, but I didn't see it enough to hate it. I only saw it the one time in the theater, and I guess that was enough.

When Disney bought the Star Wars franchise, a lot of people were worrying about what might happen. All I could say was, "It can't get any worse. It may not get any better, but it can't get any worse." I think I was write...about both things. Star Wars didn't get any worse. However, it did not get any better either. I will always love the first three Star Wars films, but I don't know if I count as a Star Wars fan anymore. Instead, I suppose I have to call myself an Original Trilogy Star Wars fan. That's all I got, and it makes me sad.

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