Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Crown Jewels, Part 1

These are by far the most beautiful copies of any books that I have. A few years ago, they started releasing the illustrated versions of the Harry Potter series, and they didn't skimp on them at all. They were impressive. I saw them a couple of times, and finally decided that I had to get myself these books. I did have the original books that were sold back when the author wrote them in the first place, but my kids had appropriated those. They weren't even on my shelf, and on top of that, they were well loved...and therefore in poor shape, so it was only natural to collect these new editions.

So, here is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

As it says on the front cover, it's illustrated by Jim Kay. He's the only guy who did any new work for this...well, aside from the publishers or whatever. J.K. Rowling didn't write new pages or add an extra chapter. This is just another copy of the original book, only this time with illustrations, but the illustrations are absolutely fabulous.

They're so good, and they're everywhere.

You turn page after page, and there's almost an illustration for every one of them.

Many of them are on the page with the words.

But many more are full page inserts.

Or partial page illustrations too.

Often, they go so far as to do double page spread illustrations, though.

And it goes on like this from the beginning of the book to the end, when Quirrel reveals the face on the back of his head.

And even the last page has a full shot of the castle with brooms flying away from it.

The books are absolutely beautiful, and they were surprisingly cheap too. I think I got them at Costco, where they tend to sell their books for significantly less than the listed price. It's listed for $39.99, and even though it would be totally worth it at that price, I probably would have passed on it, because I'm the cheapest bastard you ever knew. I think Costco was selling them for $24.99 instead...maybe even a little less than that. So, I freaking jumped at the chance.

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