Friday, July 12, 2024

Up Next

The Fourth of July was just the other day, and now that it's passed, the next major holiday is...Harrison Ford's Birthday. But after that, it's Halloween. Somebody posted this on Facebook the other day:

I was going to send this to Rish and say, "This is you," but in reality, I guess this is me, because this is what I got at the store today:

I didn't get it because it's a cool Spider-man villain. I got it because it's a guy with a pumpkin on fire for a head.

I have another Jack O'Lantern that they released years ago. In fact, I even did an episode of Big Anklevich on Toys on it, which you can watch right now:

I talked about Jack O'Lantern's first appearance on that episode, but the figure that I had wasn't the first appearance figure. It was a much later version of Jack O'Lantern that looked like this:

Truthfully, I like that Jack's look better than the new one. It looks more evil and dangerous than this First Appearance version.

This guy is still pretty great, though. His pumpkin bombs are just orange balls, but they're not bad. One of them is removable, and has a little hole in it so that you can peg it onto the belt. Here's a shot of the peg.

 And here it is with the bomb on the peg.

And if you stick his thumb in the hole, it makes holding the bomb in his hand really easy.

The other thing he comes with is his hoverboard...and a few extra hands.

You can stand him up on that hoverboard. They made the bottom peg on it removable, so that you had a flat section. Without that, it wouldn't balance at all.

You can peg that gold piece into the hole if you want the hoverboard to look like it does in the comic, but then you have to find some other way to balance the guy. Without the gold piece pegged in, it's already pretty near impossible to balance him as it is. Can't decide how I'll pose him, but it's not a huge worry...I got a bit of time before it's actually the season to put these guys up, no matter what the meme says.

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