Sunday, July 21, 2024

Wallowing In My Shame

As part of my ongoing series on the books on my shelves, it's time to admit that I have this book here:

I already talked about my set of books from the original trilogy, but I left these for later, mostly because I 'm not so excited about them, I feel a little icky for owning them. However, it's understandable. If you are near my age, then you might remember the craze that had enveloped the country when the first Star Wars prequel came out. 

These books were part of that craze, and I have to admit that I was so super excited to have the chance to buy a hardback Star Wars novelization. There were, I believe, four different variant covers to choose from. The other three were of Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Queen Amidala.

I bought the Darth Maul one, because it was the coolest one. It was also the hardest to find, but I managed. I bought it ahead of the release of the movie, but refused to read it until after I saw the film for the first time.

Not only were there several covers to choose from, but Terry Brooks wrote the book. Terry Brooks! This guy was a real author. I'd read several of his books before now, so I was impressed to find that he was writing this book, and not some no-name guy as was usually the case with novelizations. 

Rish and I, along with a few friends, went to a signing by the author at our local Walmart. I brought my copy, but I was sad to be unable to acquire a copy of The Sword of Shannara to have him sign for me. There wasn't time to get one, though I did check at all the local used book stores. Used books weren't as available online then as they are now, either, though the shipping surely would have taken too long to get it to me.

So, here it is, the beginning of my prequel trilogy collection. It took a while before the glow of new Star Wars wore off, I mean years, really. It wasn't until Revenge of the Sith before I even went into a Star Wars movie with skepticism, so my collection of Prequel books is complete. I'll bring you the next one tomorrow.

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