Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Best of the Dunesteef On SF Signal

It was recently brought to my attention that SF Signal (which gives news and reviews of Science Fiction films, books, television, and apparently, podcasts) did an overview of our show, and presented the ten best Dunesteef episodes ever (or yet, if you're an optimist).

Here's the link: (EDIT: The website is now gone, but it still exists on the Wayback Machine. So, here's the archived LINK).

It's pretty awesome that we were featured on any blog or website, especially one that's not hate-motivated.  But these guys have won two Hugo Awards, one for Best Fanzine, and one for Best Fancast, and I think, legally, you cannot shake a stick at that.

According to David Steffen, the best shows were, as follows:

  1. “This Must be the Place” by Elliott Bangs
  2. “Hang Up and Try Again” by Derek L. Palmer
  3. “The Day Hypnotism Died” by Kevin David Anderson
  4. “The Short Life and Slow Death of Timmy Van Lowe” by Bryan Lincoln
  5. “Peacemaker, Peacemaker, Little Bo Peep” by Jason Sanford
  6. “Anakoinosis” by Tobias S. Buckell
  7. “Überman” by John Medaille
  8. “Plague Birds” by Jason Sanford
  9. “Saying Goodbye” by Christopher Munroe
  10. “The Dead of Tetra Manna” by Mark L.S. Stone
  11. “Whelp” by Damon Shaw
  12. “Tattletale” by Christopher Fisher
  13. Tupac Shakur and the End of the World” by Sandra McDonald
  14. “Good Day” by Saul Lemerond
  15. “Open Twenty-Four Hours” by Edward McKeown
It's pretty neat to see someone else's list of your best work. I would agree with many of these stories, but also would put many different ones on as well.  Interesting.

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