Saturday, February 14, 2015

Anklecast 23

I got a hitch in my giddy up. My groove has been disturbed, despite The System warning everyone against it for me in 1988. Something must be done to fix it, but what?

Listen in and find out.

Music was "Crossing The Divide" courtesy of Kevin MacLeod of

Right click HERE to download the episode, select Save Link As, and save the file to your hard drive.



  1. Do you know why you writing a few crappy sentences during your Zero Word Day challenge wasn't dumb? Because those (few) words you write that day count toward your MILLION WORD GOAL. Write that million words!

    If you like, I'll also take the Zero Word Day challenge in March with you.

  2. I was listening to this episode today as I ran my 7-mile training run as I try to figure out how I'll do my next long run for my first marathon — it's only a month away and I'm prepared but nervous.

    Some thoughts occur:
    1. It doesn't matter if you're running or walking or mixing the two (Jeff Galloway is your friend), just get out there. You can do 13.1 in 4 months.

    2. The shin splints are either bad shoes or bad form, keep changing your stride to figure it out and check out some books from the library for tips.

    3. I always appreciate your podcasts and want to keep hearing them. Don't be so discouraged.

    4. Check out the Zone diet. I think paleo is insane, but it might work for you. The important part is to look at how protein, carb, and fat are balanced with respect to each other.

    5. Look into CrossFit. It's fun and is an interesting way to get motivated to stay in shape.

    6. Sorry that I don't have writing tips, but that's not my bag. Keep plugging away at it. I do think that writing 20 words a day is better than zero because you'll feel more motivated the next day after writing 20 an more likely to skip again the next say after writing 0.

  3. Awesome podcast. It's always inspiring to hear how much you run. When you ran the half marathon a year ago, I was inspired but way too heavy to even jog a block. I am amazed that you ran one at around my current weight. .. lets me know I need to quit making excuses! Thanks for the inspiring words big. Good luck on your goals!

  4. When I went into the Navy I had issued shoes that fit well, but with all of the running we did I got shin splints bad. There was no option for me but stretching at that time. Once I had an opportunity I got some Nike Shox and it made all the difference in the world. I still hurt for a while because I had no time to rest and recover, but it gradually got better. The shoes made all of the difference for me.

    You can definitely do a half-marathon in 4 months. I was running 5K's every week and did my half-marathon and had to stop and walk some because of my knee, but I kept going and that is all that matters. Look around your area I'm sure there is a 5K or 10K every month at least. Go and get in one of these and enjoy the "marathon feel" without the longer distance and it gets addicting. Both websites (,, etc) and sporting stores usually have posts about 5K's all the time. Plus you can start getting things like t-shirts or such and collecting those to look back on at all you did is pretty cool. I have a large box just full of tee's that I want to get made into a quilt one of these days.

    Your half-marathon is waiting, get on your way!

  5. Such good comments here! I agree with everything. Yes, you can train in four months for a half, whether you train to run the whole thing or do walk/run intervals (as nuremon said, J.G. is your friend).
    I now work at a specialty running store owned by extremely knowledgeable running experts. Although my main purpose is to write blog content for them, I'm also slowly being trained on the StrideSmart process they use to fit people for shoes. It's a steep learning curve, but it's also very eye-opening for me as a runner. As a customer before working there, I was thoroughly impressed. They filmed me do things like squats to see if I had any hip or leg weaknesses that required strengthening (I did). They filmed me run on the treadmill from the side and from behind, pointing out corrections on proper running stride. Unlike my high school track days where heel strike was taught to everyone, the best stride is mid-foot strike just in front of your belly button, which propels you forward (as opposed to heel strike where the runner is reaching their foot out, usually too far, which essentially works against forward motion, and also leads to injury).
    For the people with more body mass (I don't use the F word), there is a shoe that the owners highly recommend, especially in cases of previous injury or current pain. Hoka One One is the brand, and our store carries the Conquest and the Clifton. Both are awesome for rehabilitation, but can also serve as the everyday running shoe. I'll ask the owner, but I'm pretty sure he'd recommend either shoe for you, especially with your shin splint issues. Look up the brand...and don't be shocked by the size of the shoe. The Clifton weighs 8 oz (shocking to pick it up because you expect it to feel like a brick). It has a very pillowy ride, lots of cushion, which people seem to love who get it. The Conquest is a more bouncy ride, still with lots of cushion, and Hoka just signed an elite athlete who races in that shoe.
    If you have a chance, go to your nearest running store that carries them and just try them on, take a spin on the sidewalk, and see if either feels good.
    Hope this helps! Good luck with all your training.
