Saturday, February 28, 2015

First Readers

Okay, everyone, I'm looking for people who are interested in being "first readers" of my stuff. It's free stories to read...but it's also a bit of work too.

Let me explain what that would entail. When I write a story, I would send it to you to read. What you would do while reading is keep an eye out for any typos or grammar problems, any sentence or phrasing that is confusing or awkward, look for any factual errors or plot inconsistencies, and any parts that you are bored by. You could also tell me about what you thought was strong in the story and what was weak, so that I can discover what my weaknesses might be and work on them, and know what my strengths are, and play them up.

Seems to me that this is pretty important for me to become a better writer. Rish Outfield reads my stuff, and gives me his notes, but that's probably not enough. I could use some more voices to help me out.

So, anyone interested?


  1. I'd definitely be interested. E-mail me at xsvanguyen [at] and I'd be happy to discuss details.

  2. I'd definitely be interested. E-mail me at xsvanguyen [at] and I'd be happy to discuss details.
