Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Dunesteef Episode 177: Wikihistory by Desmond Warzel

The International Association of Time Travelers member forum has some lively discussion going on over at the Europe – Twentieth Century – Second World War subforum. Let’s listen in and see…

Afterward, Rish and I talk about online culture and World War II, but separately, because, you know, there’d have to be time travel involved for them to come together at all.

Special thanks to Marshal Latham, Bria Burton, Tena Kolakowski, John Higham, and Jonathan Wilson for lending their voices to the story, to Justin Charles for producing the episode and to Jonathan Wilson for providing the art.

Alright, if you want to check out this episode, go listen to it on the main Dunesteef podcast feed—(EDIT: Now that the feed is gone, the only way to hear the show is over on the Dunesteef Podcast YouTube page, which I am embedding below).

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