Thursday, December 17, 2015

My Wife's Surprise Present To Me

When I was doing my first year at Community College, I had a job at Little Caesars Pizza. One of my duties was answering the phone and taking orders. One time, I got an unusual call...well, it started out normal, but when I finished taking their order, the person on the other end of the line told me that they didn't actually want the Meatsa! Meatsa! deal after all. Instead, they copped to being the Little Caesars Mystery Caller. Their job was to call around to all the different Little Caesars locations, and test the employees their on their call taking abilities.

I had passed the test, and I got a prize for doing so. A catalog would be coming in the mail for me, and I could choose one thing out of the catalog as my prize. Most of the stuff in the catalog was pretty unappealing, but one of the things I could choose was a music album. I made my this my choice, but they didn't have much music that I was interested in. In the end, I picked an album from a band that I'd sort of heard of, but didn't really know. A few weeks later, a cassette tape arrived in my mailbox. I popped it into my stereo, and pretty much didn't take it out again for the next few months.

I'd fallen in love with this band. They were a rap band called Arrested Development. Not my usual, but I loved it. The album was 3 Years, 5 Months & 2 Days in the Life Of...

Somewhere far, far to the north a my future wife had a similar experience, becoming quite fond of the band Arrested Development.

Over the years, we still sometimes pulled out that old album—now a collection of MP3s instead of a cassette tape—and listened to it.

This week, my wife told me she'd gotten me a Christmas gift. It wasn't going to be a normal Christmas present though. She was taking me to something on Thursday night. I had no idea what it might be. As time passed however, I came up with a guess. The new Star Wars movie was coming out Thursday, and she had told me that her work was renting out a theater for all their employees to see the movie. She'd said it was going to happen on Sunday night after we'd left for San Diego, but I was guessing that maybe she'd lied to me to make it a surprise or something. That seemed to be the only thing happening on Thursday as far as I could tell.

Of course, considering the lead in to this post, you can surely tell that I was wrong. Something else was going on. You see, Arrested Development had reformed years ago, and for the first time in more than a decade, they were doing a show in our city. My wife had heard lots of commercials for the show on the radio. She figured I'd probably heard them too, but I never listen to the radio anymore, so I hadn't a clue. She knew I'd always loved Arrested Development, and she'd liked them as well. So, she bought us a pair of tickets, and made it a sort of Christmas present for the both of us.

So, when Thursday night arrived, my wife met me at work, and we went out to dinner, and finished the night with the Arrested Development show. Here's a few videos of the songs we took at the show.

It was really fun. We both had a great time. Although I'd forgotten what it's like to have my ears ringing like they do after a really loud concert. I haven't been to one like that probably since high school.

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