Saturday, May 18, 2024

Report Card

I use Grammarly to spot things like typos and errors in my writing sometimes. When I do my editing passes and so forth, I find having Grammarly to add to my own attention to be a plus. It can be a poin sometimes, when it wants me to correct things that I know are not incorrect, but mostly it's a positive addition to my process.

Every now and then, I get a little email report thing from Grammarly that tells me how I'm doing in comparison to the rest of its users, and I have to say that I like to see it. Here's my most recent one:

Unfortunately, it doesn't tell me how engaging my stories I wrote were in comparison to other Grammarly users, or how appealing to readers they are, but it's nice to get a little pat on the back that says, "You're doing pretty good, grammar-wise." If it were a grade, I'd have an A, and let me tell you, those weren't that easy to come by when I was in school. I wasn't what you'd call gifted or talented. It's nice to know that I can hang with the A students now.

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