Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Elephant In The Room

It's been a hot minute since the last time I announced the publication of one of my short stories...although this one probably doesn't apply. This thing isn't a short story or even a novelette. This is a novella! Just a smidge short of qualifying for the Hugo awards novel category...not that it would ever be seen by any Hugo voter, but you know what I mean, it's almost long enough.

Anyway, announcing the publication of "The Elephant in the Room."

This story had its genesis in a dream that I had in which there was something large in the room, but nobody but me could see it. After waking up from the dream, I thought it could make a really neat story, and I even had the title for it immediately. It was I just had to write it. 

Well, a few months later, when I was desperate for something to start on after finishing up my Christmas novel, Caught Up in Christmas, I remembered this idea, and plunged ahead. What resulted is a story that I am pretty proud of. I really like this story, which probably means that no one else will, but so goes my life. I think it's good, and I think you should pick up a copy of it. As that guy that Rish always talks about from his writer's conference would say, "You need this book in your life."

You can now get it on its own on your kindle or you can get my newest collection, Three Vampire Weekend, which has this story as it's featured finale. Either way, I hope you enjoy it.

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