Friday, May 3, 2024


That's probably all this is. It's not what I want it to be, but it's probably all it is. There's places out there that will publish books for people that they know won't sell. They do a small print run and charge a large price of the authors for the pleasure, and they're called vanity presses. I suppose print-on-demand and Amazon is putting those folks out of business. Why pay a bunch of money and get a bunch of copies you can't sell, when you could just order one and get it for the price of what a book usually costs?

Speaking of that, I just got my copies of Battalion of Ideas today, one paperback and one hardcover.

They look pretty good, I'd say. I really like how they turned out. The cover looks nice.

They're a good size. They look like legit books and not just something from a vanity press. Of course, what do I know. I'd never be able to afford vanity press books, so maybe this is what they look like.

The one thing I'm not as happy with as I would like to be is the blue text for my author name on the spine. It doesn't stand out on black as well on the book as it did on the computer screen. I thought it would be fine, but you can't even really see it there, right? I don't think I'll change it...but maybe I should...I don't know.

The inside looks nice.

Here's the table of contents, so you can see all seventeen stories that are in it.

And each story starts with a page that looks like this:

It's pretty neat to have, and it makes me happy to see...really tickles my vanity, I guess. I can't help but smile to see them. It's a lot of fun. I guess I should get to work on the next one.

1 comment:

  1. "Batallion" looks wrong to me now.

    Oh, that's 'cause I spelled it wrong.
