Saturday, May 25, 2024

Year Two At The Mailbox

Last year, I planted a bunch of flowers in the planter box beside my mailbox. I updated updated y'all again and again over the next several weeks to show the progress of the flowers' growth. This year, I was slacking, and didn't get my seeds planted as early enough, but I did finally get them planted.

My wife, however, didn't slack. She planted her zinnias a while ago, and already has a bunch of mature flowers.

She's also getting flowers with her irises.

And flowers from these...things. I don't know what these flowers are. They're some kind of perennial, though, so she didn't have to plant them. I think the irises might be too...but I don't really have a green thumb so I don't know that kind of stuff.

I did plant my flowers though. I did a lazy job of it, and they aren't really filling the planter box like they did last year, but they'll probably look better when they get a lot bigger.

I gotta get less lazy about watering them, though. I have an alarm set on my phone to remind me, but I keep ignoring it because I'm busy with something else. I say to myself I'll get to it later, but I always forget too. If I want flowers, I'm going to have to stop slacking. Hopefully, I'll have a nice beautiful bunch of zinnias coming soon. I'll keep you posted.

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