Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Crown Jewels, Part 5

Sadly, this is the final post in this series. This is as far as the books go. The other two in the series are still to be published at a future date.

Here is Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix:

This is the longest book in the whole series, and as such, you get a lot more pages that look like this:

But you still get plenty of pictures like these:

I particularly love this one.

I was just looking to see when the next book might be released. They came out once a year, at first, but when they got to the larger books, they started taking closer to eighteen months to two years to arrive.

I found out bad news, while looking for a release date. One, I didn't find any release date, because, two, Jim Kay has decided to call it quits before finishing the series.

He wants to pass the torch to someone else. Probably because he did such an amazing job that people think that a page like this one below is a little disappointing.

Because they expect pages like these:

I'm pretty upset, if for nothing else than that the art style won't match the rest of the way. The books can't be quite the same. It will be a bummer. I hope, that when they finally get around to putting out the last two books they get somebody who is pretty similar, at least, so that the collection seems to go together whell on my shelf.

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