Thursday, August 15, 2024

New Flag, Who Dis?

Recognize this flag?

While we were in Canada, we stopped in at a Dollar Store. In the Canada-themed stuff, we found a flag that I could buy that I wouldn't likely find in the USA. I have a collection of flags, but I strictly limit it to flags of states I've lived, countries I've lived in...or countries that my family members have lived in.

My wife suggested that I might like the flag, though. It didn't strictly fit my criteria, but it kind of did. It was a flag for a state (actually a province, but it's the same thing) that my family members have lived in. So, I grabbed it.

That's the Alberta provincial flag. Not a terrible flag but also not great. It's not a seal on a bedsheet, bit it looks an awful lot like one. 

Funny thing was the price of the flag. We were in the dollar store, but the thing cost $15. I guess dollar stores in Canada are just like the ones in America. A dollar can't get you anything anymore. It's basically worth what a quarter was worth when I was a kid.

Luckily, the American dollar is worth a little more right now than the Canadian dollar, so the exchange rate lowered the price for me. That's one of my favorite parts about visiting Canada.

My flag collection, which isn't supposed to be growing unless I move somewhere new, is growing. Now I wonder if I need flags for the states where I lived in other countries. I don't think I'll go there, especially since the flags would probably be impossible to procure, but I don't need them. I do like flags, though.

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