Friday, September 13, 2024

Eleventh Album?

I published a story years ago called "The Tenth Album." It was about a guy coming from an alternate universe to our universe, and coincidentally walking into our main character's record store and discovers that in our universe Van Halen didn't die in a plane crash, but in fact made another album called Balance that he'd never heard before.

The story was on The Dunesteef podcast, but somehow, it is the only story that isn't on the Dunesteef Podcast channel on YouTube. I don't even have a copy of it either. It's just straight up gone. Pretty sad.

The characters in the story were based on me and my childhood friend, Jeff. We were both very into Van Halen in high school. Interestingly enough, earlier this year, I was texting with him about Sammy Hagar's new tour. Sammy was going out with Michael Anthony, Joe Satriani, and Jason Bonham, and they were going to put a particular emphasis on playing the songs from his time in Van Halen as a sort of tribute to our dearly departed Eddie Van Halen.

My friend got all excited about it and offered to fly out to Houston to go to the show with me. I was totally stoked about that. Sadly, of all the concerts I've been to in my life, Van Halen was never one of them. I never had money when the time was right. Now Eddie's gone, and with him any chance of an actual Van Halen concert, but this Sammy Hagar show sounded like it would be the closest thing to that possible.

We got tickets, my friend flew out, and the concert was the other day. We had a great time and enjoyed the heck out of ourselves listening to all of those songs from our teenage years. I did get one video of a song from the show. Check it out:

It wasn't quite Van Halen, but Joe Satriani is about as good of a replacement for Eddie as you can get. It was nice to get the chance for once.

Now, David Lee Roth needs to get together with Steve Vai and do a Best of All Worlds concert doing all his songs from his Van Halen era. I'd go to that.


  1. I hope in that other universe Lynyrd Skynyrd didn't go down in a plane crash.

  2. I'm jealous. Sounds like fun. Did Satriani get to play any of his solo stuff? I used to have his "Surfing with an Alien" album.
