Monday, January 22, 2018


Went for a walk this morning with my son. Down at the canal, we spied a turtle crawling his way along in the shallow water.

I went down and got a couple of pictures of it. Unfortunately, he was scared of me, so he never poked his...well anything out of his shell.

There's a bunch of red-eared slider turtles that live down this way. We see them all the time. I always wonder whenever I see them if they are native to the area, or just somebody's escaped pets that really managed to take off.

Oh, on my way down the hill to take pictures, I slipped in the mud from the recent rains, and took a tumble onto my but. I was covered in mud, and even managed to cut myself on something too. So, way to go me!

This is my leg covered in mud and blood.

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