Monday, September 26, 2022

More Big Anklevich On Health

Rather than post the videos every single day, I've decided to just put them on here in chunks. So, since we finished off the last chunk at day 70, here's day 71. I was having a bit of a crisis that day:

My Frustration From Lack Of Progress - Day 71 - BBBE Challenge Daily Update

September is moving along, but I'm pretty sure I haven't made any progress. What do I need to do? Stick with my method? Or change things up? More fasting? I'm open to suggestions.

Here's day 72:

Still Going After All This Time - Day 72 - BBBE Challenge Daily Update

72 days and we're still at it. There are plenty of troubles and challenges, but we keep going and eating the proper human diet, and we're a million miles away from where we were back in March before we started this journey. Also, I'm gonna order me some electrolytes to see if that makes any difference.

Day 73:

Is Everything I've Been Told About Carnivore True? - Day 73 - BBBE Challenge Daily Update

Eat right, restore your health, and the weight will come off as a side-effect of the process. That is what I have believed for a while. Is it true? Will that happen? What is most important? Health certainly has to be the number one priority, and the weight loss can come when it comes, right? This stuff is all true, isn't it?

Day 74:

Can Carnivore Fix Everything? - Day 74 - BBBE Challenge Daily Update

Carnivore seems to fix everything, so if you are on carnivore, can you even get sick? Just what exactly is carnivore capable of fixing?

And lastly, this is the video from this morning, day 75:

When Sick, Should You Listen To Your Body? Or Force Feed It? - Day 75 - BBBE Challenge Daily Update

Marshal is dealing with being a little bit under the weather. His appetite has been suppressed. Should he fight that? Does his body know what it's talking about or does his brain know better?

Okay, see you again soon with another chunk of the daily videos. Or you can just go to the Big Anklevich on Health channel on YouTube and subscribe, to get the videos each and every day. Marshal and I are in the home stretch. Almost to the end of this 90-day BBBE challenge.

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