Monday, September 26, 2022

My First Book Is Published

I'm pretty excited about this. After all this time of hemming and hawing and dragging my feet, I've finally got my first book published. You can buy it right now on Amazon. It's totally available for anyone to read. You should check it out.

Many of you will know what I'm talking about, but if you haven't been following the blog recently, you might be unfamiliar with the book. This is a short story collection that I have assembled of all of my Christmas-related short stories. It's called, "Christmas Creatures: A Twisted Christmas Story Collection."

I published it through Amazon as an eBook first. You can buy the eBook for $5.99 or if you are one of those Kindle Unlimited people, then you can read it that way too. I'm new to this, but from what I understand, it's a three month window that it has to be exclusive on Amazon to qualify for the Kindle Unlimited program, then I can release it wide to all the other bookstores out there. So, if you don't do a Kindle, it will be coming to other venues eventually.

So far, it's only available as an eBook, but I am working on the audiobook and the print book, and I mean to have them available long before Christmas is here, so you can buy the book and read it as a part of your annual holiday traditions, because I'm certain you will want to include it in those activities that say,  "It's Christmastime" to you.

The book includes eight stories: one novella, four novelettes, and three short stories. They are:

  1. The Christmas Creature
  2. The Spirit of Christmas
  3. Dear Santa
  4. A Christmas Wish
  5. Reiterating Christmas
  6. Taking a Left Turn
  7. Klaus Kringle
  8. Crossing the Globe

Some of them you might recognize from the Dunesteef show. Others are brand new, never before seen stories, and if you ask me, they're all good. In fact, I think you could ask anyone. Tony the Tiger says they're great.

So, please, head over to Amazon and pick yourself up a copy if you are so inclined, and enjoy the Christmas stories during your yuletide this year.

Oh, I probably ought to give you a link, right? How else will you know how to find the book? Here, click this link, and head over to the Amazon page to pick up the book. Thanks, everybody.

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