Friday, June 7, 2024

Does This Mean I'm Really Old?

My kid had a birthday party to go to. We didn't know what to get his friend as a present, so we opted to get him a gift card, paired with a bit of candy from the grocery store.

When I grabbed the candy, I noticed the price.

Holy crap! $1.32? I haven't bought a lot of candy recently, but that is crazy, isn't it? 

I know this makes me sound super old, but I can remember when you could go to the Circle K and get a pack of Skittles for a quarter. What the hell happened? How old am I? I must be a hundred and friggin' fifty years old for a candy to cost $1.32, right?

Or maybe, the folks in Washington don't care about us and don't have our best interest in mind and have been doing very bad things for a long while...can't decide which one is right. Probably the hundred and fifty thing, though.

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