Friday, July 31, 2015

TGMG 160: The Tipping Point

New TGMG up on the feed!

So, I like to eat out on vacations. But how much of my restaurant money should go to tips? Is it okay not to tip, or does Rish just lack empathy?

You can find the episode on the feed or you can just right-click HERE to download. Then again, just hit the play button below and listen now. Do it!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

New Ones

New sunflowers opened up today.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Dunesteef Episode 173: TWSC – Ghosts Of Clay by Wendy Conroy

Wendy Conroy has a lovely little tale for us about a woman who really wants to be haunted, but she isn’t…is she?

Afterward, Rish and I talk about creating, Bad Religion, and the Paleo diet, but not really.

Special thanks to Renee Chambliss and Amy Hudson for lending their voices to the story, and to Tom Tancredi for producing the episode and providing the art.

Alright, if you want to check out this episode, go listen to it on the main Dunesteef podcast feed—(EDIT: We finally went down the drain, I guess. Now that the feed is gone, the only way to hear the show is over on the Dunesteef Podcast YouTube page, which I am embedding below).

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Morning Coffee?

Is it bad that I had this for breakfast? I mean, it's not that different from going to Starbucks and getting myself a coffee milkshake like everyone else did this morning is it?

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


I don't know what it is, but I just can't make myself do anything, even things I've promised all over my podcasts that I would do. I'm going to go to bed early, and hope that after a nice long sleep I'll have energy in the morning.

I...I just gotta get over this crap. Laziness is completely pwning me.


I Aim To Misbehave

Cool! My Malcolm Reynolds figure just came. He's misbehaving already too. He shot Mr. Incredible and Dash dead just to have a spot on the shelf. Things could get ugly.

Best gun hand I've ever seen on a figure. The index finger actually goes through the trigger guard.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Animal Suicide Pact In Montana

On my trip through Montana, I hit two birds with my car. I've never hit anything with my car, but I hit a bird on two separate occasions. 

I also barely missed two very stupid deer that ran in front of the car. Again on two separate occasions.

Tonight, on my drive home from podcasting with Rish, I just barely missed the worst thing you could possibly hit with your car, a skunk. I just hope there isn't a second one out there looking to finish the job.

Time Flies

Does it freak anyone else out that it's the 20th already? There was a lot of stuff I was supposed to do already this month, and I've done none of it. I suppose I was out on vacation for most the month, but it doesn't make me feel any better about it.

Color Grading

Trying to make my salad as colorful as possible, what else could I add, besides Kale. Oh, and besides a nice brown bit of steak, which would be great, but is not going to be happening.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Dividing The Toys II

Finished the other one today. Here it is.


Saturday, July 18, 2015

Pond Overload

I really had a thing for this pond at the top of the mountain in Glacier National Park. Not sure why. Maybe it was because I grew up right next to a park that was full of ponds like this, and I played in them endlessly as a child. Anyway, I took lots of pictures of it, and I'm going to torment you with every single one of them...mwuhahaha!

Dividing The Toys

I've been dreaming about doing this for months, finally I put it together. I cut pieces from the leftover a shelves, and cobbled this divider thing together. What do you think? How does it look?

More Beauty Shots

Here's some more beauty shots of Glacier National Park. These photos are from Avalanche Creek and Avalanche Lake. That was a pretty great hike.

Beauty Shots

Some more of my shots from Glacier National Park. These are from just off the Going-to-the-sun Road.


Friday, July 17, 2015

Shining Glacier

I'm watching The Shining for the first time ever. Funny, after spending a week at Glacier National Park to happen to watch a movie that includes so many helicopter shots of the place in the opening credits.

Flowers Coming In

First sunflowers of the year. And some zinnias. They were waiting for us when we got back from vacation.

Up Up And Away

Any idea where I am in this picture?

I'm guessing you never got it. This is a Canadian professional football game. While I was out of town, we went to see my wife's father in Canada, who is in the hospital getting treatment for cancer. While we were there, we had time to swing out to Calgary and see the Stampeders play the Toronto Argonauts.

It wasn't my first Canadian professional football game that I've been to, but it is the first one I've been to in Canada. See if you can figure that one out.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Ingredients Assemble!

Check out this really cool cake my sister-in-law made for her daughters for their birthday.


Monday, July 13, 2015

Big Butterfly

This butterfly got confused by the window in my garage last week. You can't tell because there's no reference, but the butterfly was bigger than my hand. It was so big, I had to take a picture of it.

Making Rish Proud

Rish is pretty much completely against the concept of exercising. But, this is the kind of effort that would make Rish proud. Look at how many calories I burned.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Not Canadian Bacon

Is Canadian pepperoni the worst in the world? Or do my in-laws just buy the cheapest, worst stuff imaginable?

Never mind. I already know the answer.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Soda Raisin

Look what I found, it's Rish's favorite.

He always mentions the raisin soda when I talk about going to Canada...I wonder if he realizs that it's not raisin flavored soda, but that it's just the French translation of grape soda...hmmm....

Galcier National Park

We're on vacation far from home right now. We just finished some time in Glacier national park, which was an absolute dream. What a beautiful place. I'm so glad that these places were set aside and saved...not that you could build much on those crazy steep mountains...but National Parks were mostly a good idea. I took some pics with my phone. I'll put up some better pics when I get them off my camera.

Now, it's on to Canada to visit the in-laws. Joy.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Pinball Number Count

Ha! I heard this a hundred times at least growing up, but I never had any idea that it was actually performed by someone more than just the standard Sesame Street studio musicians. Apparently, the "Pinball Number Count", I just discovered, was performed by the Pointer Sisters. Should have guessed. It's too funky and awesome to be just anybody.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Lord of the Dancey-Dance

I watched Fellowship of the Rings the other day with my daughter. She hadn't seen it before. When we got to the scene with the Galadriel and the mirror, I had this idea to make a funny movie. Then, I searched on YouTube, and somebody already had the same idea and made the video for me. So, here it is: The Lord Of The Dancey-Dance!

Fuggin' hilarious.

Every time I see this stuff, it makes me think of when I showed it to Rish, and he disbelievingly muttered, "That guy was in the Star Wars of the twenty-first century, and he's doing this?"

Then again, the Star Wars guys made a lot of embarrassing appearances on the shows of the time as well, not to mention the holiday special...

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Which Coming?

Somebody at work just referred to the opening of a rollercoaster at the local amusement park as the most anticipated thing to happen around here since the second coming.

Now, I don't keep up with current events all that closely, but did the second coming happen already? I missed that? Jeez, talk about being unobservant.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Healthy, But Can You Swallow It?

I gotta stop putting kale in my salads. The stuff is just friggin' awful, health benefits be damned!