Friday, May 29, 2015

TGMG 159: Podcasting - The (Ugly) Truth

Yo, there's a new That Gets My Goat up. You oughta check it out.

This is something of a meta-cast about our shows and ourselves. Man, I really wanted this episode to come out before now. But that damned Avengers movie...sigh.

Okay, this is what they used to call "a very special episode" of Blossom. We're gonna talk, Rish and me, about how things really are, when it comes to our writing, and when it comes to our podcasts (together and apart). An intimate conversation, as though no one else was listening. This shit may get real.

To listen, you can find it on the podcast feed or you can right-click HERE to download it. Or, just push the play button down below. Problem solved.

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