Monday, June 29, 2015

Out The Window

I got a text from my wife with this picture:

It also contained this fuming subtitle:

Little is grounded right now. FYI.

I was curious, the picture is hard to understand, especially with little explanation like I received.

Is that out our window?

I asked.


She responded.

He and his friends opened the window, pushed the screen out, and then threw things out until a passerby came and told me.

All I can say is that I'm glad that's all that happened. Little and his friends were throwing blankets, pillows, and toys out our bedroom window, and, as you can see in the picture, the driveway is directly below it with only a tiny strip of roof to break your fall if you go out the window.

Working in the news, I see several stories a year about some child who was playing near an open window when he accidentally fell out. Sometimes they die, sometimes they are badly injured, sometimes they miraculously walk away without a scratch, but that last possibility is really uncommon.

Because of that, there are rules in our house about which windows can be opened and which ones cannot, and our bedroom window is one of those that cannot, particularly because there is a couch right underneath it that makes it easy for the little guy to get up to the sill.

So, despite the embarrassment of having to have a complete stranger that was passing by tell us what our kid was up to, and the irritation of having to clean up such a mess, I still find this adventure to have been a big win for us. Not Little, nor any of his knucklehead friends wound up dead or disabled. It definitely could have been worse.

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