Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Annual Flower Post

We started tearing out our garden this weekend. We picked our pumpkins, and pulled out their tangle of vines. We dug out our rutabagas and onions, and removed what was left of our squash plants too, although the bugs got most of them already. We'll have to do something about those bugs for next year's garden. The thing that took the most time to remove, though, was our sunflower plants. They really went pretty crazy this year.

Getting all those plants out made me think it was past time that I should have made my annual flower post. Although, I didn't do a post last year, since our yard hadn't been ready for planting yet back then. Does that make this a semi-annual post then? Oh wait, that means twice a year, eh? Not just sort of annual? All right, forget it.

The picture above was our first flower of the season. It's kind of a funny story, because we didn't plant that sunflower. We had a bird feeder that was over on the side of our front porch, and the birdseed in the feeder included some sunflower seeds. Well, the messy birds managed to knock at least one seed off the porch and into the flower bed. Soon, a nice big sunflower plant was growing on the side of the house.

We did plant some seeds of our own, however. my wife planted them all along the fence on the west side of our yard, and they really took off. Just look at this mess of flowers.

There were several different kinds of seeds in the mix. The small yellow flowers like these:

We planted some of the reddish flowers like these:

Then there were the big ones. I believe the breed is called the mammoth sunflower. They were our biggest flowers.

These are the kind of flowers that create the giant seeds that are big enough to be worth eating. They make big plants too. This is a picture of our tallest, and largest flower. I'd say this sunflower plant grew to about twelve or thirteen feet tall. It grew well above the height of the hammock stand that we built in the backyard. It was as tall as the trees it was growing alongside of.

Looking at that picture, it's hard to tell just how big the flower was too, so here's something that gives a little perspective.

When we finally cut the flower down, this was how huge it was. Bigger than my a good ways...and my head is pretty dang big too.

Not all of our sunflowers were giant-sized. These ones are called teddy bear sunflowers, mostly because of how fluffy and fuzzy they look, I assume.

My wife planted them along the east side of our property. The flowers get to be about the size of your hand or so, and the plants only grow about knee-high.

I harvested seeds from every one of these kinds of sunflowers, and I'm saving them to use next year. We should have really great sunflowers then.

But sunflowers weren't the only thing we planted. My wife started these marigolds indoors in the spring, and moved them outside once the temperatures were mild enough.

They grew like gangbusters, making great big bushes of flowers in several places.

This picture here is my favorite. This reddish-orange breed are what I think is the prettiest.

The other kind of flower my wife started indoors were zinnias.

She grew a bunch of them, and I got some pretty nice pictures of some pretty wonderful blossoms.

It wasn't all purple either. Some white ones as well.

Beyond that, she planted a new bush in the front yard, and it grew huge, and was covered all over the place with blossoms.

These are hibiscuses.

They're beautiful. I look forward to seeing more of them year after year.

Okay, last but not least, check out these flowers:

What kind of flower would you guess that those are? Maybe you know where I'm going with it or maybe you will be surprised like I was to learn just how beautiful this plant could actually be.

It's not what you would expect. Those are flowers from our onion plants. Cool huh?

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Got this poster for my son's room. Pretty cool every Marvel character poster. But then I noticed something wrong. Can you tell who's missing?

That's right, all the Fox properties aren't on the poster for some strange reason. The X-Men are one of Marvel's biggest properties, but they've been downplaying them for a while now. The Fantastic Four ain't there either. Marvel's First Family. Something's gotta change with this crap.

Monday, September 28, 2015


All my tomatoes are doing this. All my gardening peeps out there, Any idea what might cause it?

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Just A Jumble Of Letters

The wife put up the Halloween decorations today and I already can't help myself.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Figure It Out Already

I would have thought by now I had enough experience that this would no longer happen, but apparently not. I still get little zits that are tiny and would have gone away without being noticed by anyone but me, and pick at them until they become gigantic, ugly scabs that everyone has to avert their eyes from because they are so ghastly. Been out of high school for so long, and I'm still doing it.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Trophy's Here

Gonna need more X-Men.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Friday the 13th at Denny's?

They had this Jason mask at the store. My son wasn't the least bit scared of it. He really loved it and wanted to wear it around the store. He called it the pancake mask.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Waking The Gremlins

Why is it that every time I decide that today is the day I will get my act in gear and really work on my writing it immediately becomes the worst day ever, and I have absolutely zero time to work on my writing and an even worse attitude to boot?

Seems like opening my story file also opens the gates of hell and sends demons forth in the guise of stupid worthless tasks that must be performed immediately. I hate it.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

I Can't Wait

Cool, more info on The Expanse series. Looks like it's gonna be good.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Details, Details

I'm supposed to hire a new editor at work. One person sent me a résumé with a cover letter addressed to a Mr. Lannister in Seattle. I'm thinking this guy may not have the attention to detail that we're looking for.

 I guess it could have been worse.


Sunrise through the clouds this morning. It's a look across the valley from where I live to the city where Rish lives. I don't know what he's doing over there, but it must be something really inspirational!

Although considering the time, he's probably just snoring heavily.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Force Friday

I join Rish Outfield and Marshal Latham on the Delusions of Grandeur podcast to talk about the amazing event that was Force Friday, when all the toys for the upcoming Star Wars movie, The Force Awakens, went on sale for the first time. There is new Star Wars Black Series figures like Constable Zuvio or even better offerings, like Furbacca.


Head over and subscribe to the podcast to get all the episodes delivered to you automatically. Also, if you'd like, you can listen to the amazing episode by pressing the play button below.

Friday, September 11, 2015

The Last Starfighter

Listening to Ernest Cline's "Armada". The guy quotes movies way too often. As fun as that might be once or twice, when every scene involves somebody quoting Star Wars and etc. it gets a little old. Otherwise, he's friggin' brilliant.

Thursday, September 10, 2015


Not sure what a premiere announcement is. I wish they'd at least had a couple of actual shots from the show in this thing, but still, it's kind of exciting. I wonder if this was the opening credit sequence without the credits on it.

That Gets My Goat 163: Comic-Con 2015 Recap

New TGMG epsisode up!

After missing it last year, Rish tried extra hard to get to San Diego for Comic-Con this year. Was this year any different?

Find the episode on the feed, or just right-click HERE to download it. Also, you can just push the play button below and listen right here and right now!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Does anyone still think a hidden track on an album is cool? Here and there I still come across them, and every time I just roll my eyes. I know the first time I encountered a hidden track back in 1993 I thought it was cool, but seriously? I'm still coming across them?


Anklecast 28

Big Anklevich makes his shameful return! This show is months late, because I was too ashamed to admit how little success I'd had with the novel writing thing. But sooner or later, you gotta fess up, so you can move on. So here I am with an apology, and a dedication to someone who deserved better.

We'll never forget you Ginger.

Right click HERE to download.

Music was "Crossing The Divide." Courtesy of Kevin MacLeod of


Monday, September 7, 2015

Death Pit

My wife got us a fire pit a while back, but I really wish I had known that one like this existed. I would have insisted we get it instead. Sigh.

Dear, George...

Even Harrison admits it.

Parsec Speech

We were nominated for a Parsec Award, but were unable to come up with the cash to fly all the way out to Atlanta for the Dragon Con to accept the award in the event that we won. Luckily, they allowed us to send out a video acceptance speech. So, Rish and I whipped one up...and amazingly, we won the award. So, I thought it would be fun to post the acceptance speech for those who also couldn't attend but might be interested in seeing it.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Parsec Award!

I posted this over on the Dunesteef blog too, but I think it warrants a post over here as well.

I think the best part about it is we not only put together the show but we also got it for a story that we wrote ourselves. And better yet, this story beat out our other nomination that was a story written by Rish alone. Just goes to show that we are better as a team...right? That is what it shows, right? Someone please agree...

Congrats to all involved. Especially Clay Dugger who produced the episode.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Hell's Club

This is pretty fun. So many movies with club scenes drenched in red light. Not all of it was straight cuts, but it seemed like a great deal of it was.


Just watched The Matrix with the kids. It was pretty interesting to see that film for the first time in 16 years. 

Sure there were old computers and wired telephones, so you could easily tell what time period it was from, but the real giveaway was that nineties sensibility that it had. The part where they storm the building, and the cool music plays as they shoot away in slow motion with guns in each hand destroying everything and everybody without mussing their hair or getting any dust on their all black outfits. You could swap out Keanu for Nicholas Cage or John Travolta or Chow Yun Fat or Antonio Banderas or Val Kilmer and it could be any other movie from the nineties. 

The funny thing is that it still works, despite the obvious formula. Every one of my kids thought that was cool.

Which Is Which?

My son has gotten really into Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles recently, and sadly, I now actually know the names that go with the colors.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Using The Force

So, today is "Force Friday". I believe that's because a bunch of merchandise from the upcoming Star Wars film hit stores today.

All it meant to me was that, once again, I had to force myself to get up in the morning, force the kids to get ready for school and eat their breakfast and get out to the bus on time, and force myself to make the interminable commute to work.

The best part about "Force Friday" is that it's followed by Stay Home Saturday.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Dunesteef Episode 174: Ship Of Fools by David Farland (Part 1)

David Farland brings us the tale of a group of jesters; Erstwhyle, Baron Blunder, and Amilee; making a long journey to the dark and forbidding Castle Crydon to compete in a contest of fools that could fetch them a purse of 1,000 guldars. Could they possibly win? And if they win, might they still lose?

Afterward, Rish and I surprisingly talk very little, but after all it’s only the end of part one, we'll surely gabble on for hours after part two, so if you like that sort of thing, fear not.

Special thanks to Renee Chambliss, Graeme Dunlop and Ben Gifford for lending their voices to the story.

Alright, if you want to check out this episode, go listen to it on the main Dunesteef podcast feed—(EDIT: We finally went down the drain, I guess. Now that the feed is gone, the only way to hear the show is over on the Dunesteef Podcast YouTube page, which I am embedding below).


Apparently this court sketch artist has already taken a lot of grief for her performance before I ever even saw these, but I have to wonder how does someone who calls themselves a professional artist make a guy as good looking as Tom Brady look like an orc that escaped from the set of...well, I was going to say the Hobbit, but even their orcs were better looking than this?

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

37 Pieces Of Flair

Unicron is the name I gave my external hard drive. So, I put this icon on my desktop for it. Then, by chance a light in the background of the wallpaper picture added this totally awesome flare behind ol' Unicron. It looked so cool that I had to share it here. Synergy or kismet or something.


Tuesday, September 1, 2015


I was talking with Rish about the seemingly new trend this TV season of turning films into TV series. Looks like there's FARGO, LIMITLESS, and MINORITY REPORT all coming to your TVs this fall, and possibly some more that I missed. Rish says their obviously just following the trend of other shows based on movies. What did he cite as his example?


That's definitely a hot trend.