Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving Breakfast

Back in 2011, I had to work Thanksgiving. With an eight hour swing shift, there was just no way that I could attend any kind of Thanksgiving festivities. So, we decided that we would do a Thanksgiving breakfast instead of the usual Thanksgiving dinner. I really enjoyed that particular Thanksgiving. I love breakfast foods well above and beyond that of turkey and the other usual Thanksgiving dinner side dishes. So, when I realized that I was going to have to work that same shift this year, we quickly decided to party like it was 2011.

Thanksgiving has always been a second tier holiday for me, bu if we did this every year, it would jump right up near the top.

It was so good. Every single one of my favorite things was on my plate, and even though I was full, I kept at it until pretty much all the food was gone.

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