Tuesday, December 22, 2015


11:04 PM
Ermahgerd! Finally going to Star Wars today. We're about to leave for the theater. I can't remember the last time I was this excited about a movie. I'm getting really geeked up. I've been able to keep it tamped down until now, but I'm starting to feel like I did when I went to Phantom Menace. Let's hope things turn out better.
11:52 PM
Haven't been to a theater without assigned seating in such a long time I've forgotten what it's like. Kinda fun to stand out here with a bunch of other nerds waiting in line for the theater to be ready for our showing.
11:54 PM
It's pretty reflective, so if you couldn't tell, I'm standing in front of the Star Wars poster.
 2:57 PM
Okay, well, I don't know if it's the post-coital glow kind of a thing or what, but I'm happy, anyway. I really enjoyed the show. I was disappointed with a lot of it, I have to admit, but I also loved to see Star Wars on the screen again. I was sad to see that everything was just the same as it had been before Luke killed the Emperor, though. All that, and there's still an empire out there, they just changed their name? I would have preferred it if they came up with a new threat instead, chose a new type of bad guy to fight, and I think we could have done without another Death Star.

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