Wednesday, November 2, 2022

October Left Me A Little Down

October has pretty much been shite for me. Right from the beginning things went bad, and I only made them worse with my reaction. It's been my worst month for writing so far this year, since I started my push back in July. Before October, I had only missed my writing goal once in three months. During October, I missed it nine times, and for one of those I completely forgot to write anything whatsoever.

Because I failed so prolifically in October, I don't think I will manage to succeed with NaNoWriMo either. I'm not prepared to start the book I was going to write this month. I'm still going to write it, but I don't know that I'll manage the 50,000 word count goal. Maybe I'll cheat a little and slide the start date or something. I don't know.

I really want to get back on track with everything, though. I'm struggling, but I'm going to do it. Tomorrow, I'm promising to seize what control I can take upon my life, and turn things back in the right direction.

The good thing is that I haven't gone too far down the drain. I may have failed to meet my goal of 1,000 words a day in October, but I still nearly averaged that much. My average was 945 words a day. I had several big days to counteract those low days. I managed 29,395 words on the month. That's my second highest total for the year. Not even 2,000 words short of 1,000 per day.

On top of that, I crossed over 100,000 words for the year in October, just a couple of days ago. I'm one third of the way through the twelve months, and I'm one third of the way to my goal. 

So, I'm right on track. In fact, I'm well ahead of track, really. If I do 1,000 words a day for the other eight months of the year, I should finish with something like 340,000 words, which is 40,000 above my goal.

So, as down as I feel now, all is definitely not lost. In fact, it's going pretty darn well. I mean, I've already written a novel this year, and I'll probably write two or three more before we're done. So, with renewed vigor and dedication, I will hit it hard tomorrow, and do the things I need to do to keep myself in good spirits. I got this.

1 comment:

Rish Outfield said...

I'm sorry you've fallen off the wagon. I too had lofty goals of NaNoRiMoing in November, which have been abandoned in favor of vacationing. Maybe when I get back, I can start encouraging you to do it again.