Wednesday, January 13, 2016

I've Seen A Lot Of Movies Like That, Be More Specific...

Anyone seen that animated movie Home? It's got these ridiculous aliens, the main character of which is played by Sheldon from Big Bang Theory. My three-year-old son watched it, and he was trying to tell us about it. He said, "Remember that movie that we watched Daddy, the one with the boobs." 

My wife is standing right there, and she's starting to wonder just what exactly I'd been watching with our toddler.

"What movie is this?" she asks.

"It's that one. It has boobs."


"Yeah, there's this girl in it. And there's all these boobs..."

Eventually, I figured out what movie he was talking about, but for a while there, I was dangerously close to oblivion. In that movie, Home, the aliens are called the Boov. Thanks a lot, DreamWorks.

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