Thursday, January 28, 2016

Rish and I Perform on PodCastle's 400th Episode

Over at the landmark 400th episode of PodCastle, Rish and I lent our voices to "A Night At The Opera," though oddly, neither of us get to be Marx Brothers.

Oh wait, this particular "Night" was written by Martha Wells, as part of her Ile-Rien series, and has been done with a full-cast, including M.K. Hobson, Graeme Dunlop, and Dave Thompson, Podcastle Enforcer (Retired). Rish voices Reynard and Big voices Amadel.

Podcastle has been around what seems like a very short time, but to have four hundred shows is kind of amazing. Even more amazing is that they keep on asking us to do their stories, and even throw us a couple of bucks now and then for doing it. May the watchful gods cure their Scagarian fever and Chokktuvian syphilis!

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