Thursday, April 21, 2016

Rest In Peace, Sweet Prince

Whoa. Apparently Prince is dead. I can't get the TMZ article about it to load, probably crashed their site with all the sudden traffic, but we just reported it on the news. That makes me sad. I wasn't a big fan of Prince, but I like several of his songs, and I keep finding more of them that I like each day. He was always a little overshadowed my Michael Jackson and Madonna in the '80s pantheon of pop gods, and he fell into more obscurity than the others ever did, but he was a good 'un. I don't like death. I wish there was some way around it. I guess Madonna is going to start having to look over her shoulder all the time. With Prince and Michael gone, is she next?

Anyway, here's my favorite Prince song, in honor of the man's life. We'll miss you Sweet Prince.

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