Saturday, October 14, 2017

Anklecast 35: Hijinks With Harvey

It turns out he's not dead. He is a lazy, worthless douche though. Simply the worst.

Now that we've gotten that off our chest, here he finally is with a new episode of the Anklecast. Big Anklevich talks about his experience weathering the storm named Harvey. Wait, he's a Harvey survivor? Now I have guilt for calling him a douche. I shouldn't have done that.

Oh, wait, he didn't have any real problems from Harvey? Oh good, forget it, he's a douche.

To download the audio of the podcast, right click here, and save the file to your hard drive.


Dave said...

I am an hour in, when do the hijinks begin.

Big Anklevich said...

Sorry, there's never any. It was dishonest to use that word. Maybe I should have tried a different H word...Hangin' with Harvey? Happy with Harvey? Hope with Harvey? Hadoken with Harvey?

Algar Van Cluth said...

I'd have suggested "Harassment with Harvey," but I might be talking about a different subject.