Wednesday, September 19, 2018


I've been trying to give up soda, but keep failing at it. I can give it up for short periods, but I always come crawling back. However, here's something that might help motivate me.

I really like this Diet Sunkist that I discovered recently. However, it's definitely at its best when it's really, really cold. Like, on the verge of freezing. Keeping it in the fridge just isnt' enough. So, I often throw one into the freezer for about thirty minutes before drinking it.

The other day, however, I apparently lost count of the number of sodas I'd put into the freezer, and went off to work without retrieving one of them. This is what I found the next morning:


That took an astoundingly long time to clean it all up, and there's still soda in cracks and crevices all over the fridge that I didn't manage to get.

Maybe I should really give up this soda stuff.


nuremon said...

Have you tried drinking plain seltzer? It’s not the same as soda, but I was able to adjust my taste so that the fizz is sufficiently satisfying.

Rish Outfield said...

I used to do that as a kid all the time. Sadly, that was when sodas came in glass bottles . . . so it was kind of worse.