Saturday, October 15, 2016

Full Moon Fever

OK, I think I'm going to have to send a strongly worded letter to Disney or something. My son was watching the Mickey Mouse Club House Halloween show. The group is going to a party, but they have to hurry, because they have to get there BY THE TIME THE MOON IS FULL. No, not by the time the full moon rises or anything like that, by the time the moon is full.

They look up in the sky, and see that the moon is a crescent (a waxing crescent I suppose, and oh how it is waxing). As they make their way toward the party, they look back up at the sky occasionally, and find that the moon is now a half moon, then a three-quarters moon. Then as they get to the party, the MOON IS FULL!

So, why is Disney teaching our kids something so stupid? Did this journey to the party take weeks? Gaah, I suppose I'll have to stop letting my kid watch the show, because he's getting dumber by the day because of it. It's a shit show anyway.

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