Monday, April 20, 2020

Halfway Point

I was writing last night, and when I finished I took a look at my year-to-date total. This is what I saw:

I have officially made it to the halfway mark of my goal to reach 300,000. That was pretty exciting. The halfway point in the year isn't until the twenty-sixth of this month, so still a few days away.

It's not as big of a deal as it seems, however, because as long as I stick with my plan, I will obliterate that 300,000 mark. I gave myself two months to just get back into the swing of things before I tried to get to my actual pace of 1,000 words a day. I didn't start that until January, and I've given myself just ten months to actually reach 300,000. Writing 1,000 a day should get me about 30,000 words a month, which means in ten months I'll be at 300,000.

In November and December, as I was getting back into the swing of things, I wrote 26,883 words. So, I should be at least that much over the line when the my birthday rolls around again. All the same, it's cool to hit the halfway mark, especially a week shy of the actual halfway point of the year. So, there's that.

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