Monday, April 20, 2020

Thanks For The Reminder

When we were out grocery shopping this weekend, I saw this sign up on an easel at Costco.

So informative and helpful. I almost forgot that social distancing was six feet. I was starting to feel like it was only four feet, but that sign set me straight, and just in time.

My wife says that it has something to do with the orders passed down from our dear leaders on high. She says that she has to have signs like that where she works too, or they might get shut down or something. I did notice that there were signs everywhere we went, on easels, on walls, stuck to the ground. If you didn't know it was six feet, they were going to make sure you did. Of course, if you didn't know it was six feet, you probably have no idea what the term social distancing means at all. It certainly isn't intuitive. It sounds about as intuitive as altitudinally challenged or some of the other things people used to say when they made fun of political correctness (before it became politically incorrect to make fun of political correctness that is).

So, I guess I know who to complain about. The big brained folks in the government are always there to save us from ourselves. Thanks everybody. Six feet apart or six feet under, I guess.

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