Thursday, October 6, 2022

A Day In Waterton

While in Canada, we went out to Waterton National Park, and got the chance to see some mountains again. It was really nice, but made me miss them all the more. This is Cameron Lake.

It was kinda smoky when we were there, and it limited visibility a little (and made my wife cough a lot), but it did have some advantages. Check out this picture. Don't the further mountains look really cool as they become steadily less in focus and more grey and faded?

This is Cameron Falls just outside of the Waterton town site.

This is Blakiston Falls off in the distance over my shoulder. Looks small in the picture, but it’s a pretty big waterfall.

Here's a bunch more pics of Blakiston Falls. I can't help myself. Gotta share.

The one big bummer about Waterton was the state of the trees. If you didn't notice in the above pictures, here's a few more with the trees as the main focus.

There has been more than one fire that's swept through the area in the last few years.

Yes, it's a natural part of a forest's life cycle. Some trees can't even reproduce unless a fire comes through. While it's kind of neat to see all the little green pines in the pictures, it's also pretty sad.

The forest is not as beautiful in this state. It won't remain like this forever, but it will be a while before it returns to what it was like back in 2011 when we went there for the first time.

Waterton won't be what it was for a generation. By the time it returns to its former self, I'll be lucky if I can still walk enough to take the hike to Blakiston Falls. There's got to be a better way.

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