Monday, October 3, 2022

Where An Overgrown Kid Can Be A Kid

No, it's not a picture from 2017. Turns out Toys R Us in Canada was a completely separate company from the American version, so when all our stores were boarded up and abandoned...

Theirs kept operating just fine. Well, somebody like me visiting Canada is going to have to make a trip to a Mecca like a still-operating Toys R Us. You knew I had to.

My sister-in-law and her husband we're surely rolling their eyes, but I didn't care.

It’s cool to see whole aisles dedicated to toys that I love.

Even though I didn’t have to have this figure or anything, I really wanted to get something while I was there, so I bought this cool War Machine that comes with tons of accessories to really make him look like what a War Machine should be.


It was interesting to see how high the price was, but then see how low it actually was after the exchange rate.

If only Toys R Us still existed here in the States. Wah.

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