Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Crimson Tide

Rish is kind of like my dealer. As is always the case when I go to visit him, he has a bunch of toys for me to take back home. This time, he helped me acquire a couple of things I really wanted in my collection. 

To start with, today's post, the Crimson Guard. I have three Cobra BATS that I happened upon one day while out looking for toys. Not only was finding them a surprise. They rang up for half price after that. So, I built a little mini-army for very cheap.

I made a video about the toy hunt that landed me those BATS back in the day. You can watch it here if you want.

And here's how they look on my shelf:

So, why did I waste your time with that story? Well, I really wanted to do the same with the Crimson Guard figures that they put out this year. I made sure to pre-order one of them from the online toy store, just to make sure that I actually got one, because the Crimson Guards were my favorite. I would have been so sad not to get any at all.

It seemed as though that was the only one I was ever going to get, because I never saw them in stores at all. If I had, I probably would have bought any of them, full-price or not. However, I never had to. Surprisingly, back at the start of August, I was walking down the clearance aisle, and I found this one:

I don't know where that thing had been hiding. I had been in that same Walmart the week before, and they didn't have this guy on the shelf. I definitely would have paid the full price for it, but now I didn't have to.

I brought him home and put him with my other guy.

Sorry, the picture is out of focus, but it's too late to redo it, because there's a third and final one on the shelf now.

As I said, my dealer, Rish Outfield tracked down one of the newly released, but never seen in stores anywhere, "vintage" Crimson Guard. He gave it to me while I was out there, and I brought it back in my carry-on. Now the squad is complete.

I don't know if you can tell, but the vintage one is in the middle. He has a silver face plate instead of black like the other two. Not sure why, because actual vintage Crimson Guards don't have that difference. But who cares. I figure he looks like he's the commander because of his slight differences. I sure do like having the mini-army again, though. 

I wonder if there's any other figures that I'd like to make an army out of...none come to mind.

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