Sunday, October 15, 2023

Anklecast 59 - Do Over (Part Four) Available for All


Sorry, folks, this was supposed to be posted before I went out of town, but I forgot to do it, so my promised second episode in a month will have to happen this month instead.

So, we have part four of my novella, "Do Over". Things are getting crazy. We find out who is on the other side of that door, and no, it's not Lazybones (sorry for the misdirecting red herring of a song). We find out just how bad this confusion from the two timelines can be. So, buckle up, strap in, and hit play for the penultimate episode of "Do Over."

It's up on the feed now or you can right click HERE to download the episode or you can just click the play button below to listen to the episode now.

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