Sunday, January 29, 2023

Missing You And Party Girl Standalones

I got two more stories published today. I'm almost done now. These two are some of the smaller stories. The first one is called "Missing You," and I'm sure I put it out there somewhere. It's either in an Anklecast or a Dunesteef episode in one way or another. I can't for the life of me remember, though.

I really like the cover that I came up with. It's pretty good, I think. Doesn't it make you want to read it?

The other story I did was "Party Girl." 

This cover is pretty much just a variation of the cover that I did for the episode of the Anklecast where I presented the story. If you listen to the Anklecast (although who does, amiright?) then you are probably pretty familiar with the story. I mean it wasn't very long ago that I put out that episode. But if you're not, you might want to buy the story. Or you could just buy the whole collection and get them all in one go.

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