Monday, May 13, 2024

Making An Actual Difference?

My wife has a friend at work who has been having health problems and decided to try the carnivore diet. She kept asking me how it felt to have helped this woman come to carnivore, and whether I was proud to have shown her the way. Of course, it was a ridiculous thing to ask. I didn't even know the person. I think I might have met her once at one of my wife's work parties, but I could have walked past her five times a day for a year and never been able to point her out of the crowd. If anyone could be said to have made a difference with her it was my wife, who was telling her the stuff that she'd heard from me. Which is extra funny, because my wife doesn't subscribe to the carnivore diet and actively stands in the way of me trying to make our family healthier with it.

I've been doing my YouTube videos for years too, but I've never really felt like I was helping much with those either. For one, I was mostly documenting my failures and my inability to overcome that carbohydrate addiction that I suffered from. It wasn't until last May that I finally got my mojo and was able to put it behind me...I think this time for good.

I've been doing those YouTube videos through this whole process, but I never really felt like I was likely making a difference. Most of the people who watched me were already converted, already practicing to the best of their abilities. If they needed any knowledge or understanding, they would go to the big voices in the community like Dr. Berry or Kelly Hogan or Dr. Boz. The best that I could be was another guy that was similar to them, so maybe they didn't feel so alone?

But then I got this comment on my YouTube video from this week:

Oh my gosh, it was amazing! It’s the first time anybody has ever said that my videos have helped them or made a difference, and it feels so good to hear! That’s all I ever wanted with these things. Most everybody, even those closest to me, from my wife to my kids to my brothers and sisters all ignore me and look at me like I’m crazy to not eat vegetables and cake and donuts and soda, but there’s somebody out there that I helped, one person at least. I think that’s pretty neat. Too bad they live in California, so I’ll probably never even meet them, but it’s still neat.

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