Saturday, October 5, 2024

My First Patreon Address

I just put up my first Patreon Address over on Patreon.

It's my first time doing this. Rish Outfield and Marshal Latham have been doing them for a while and I thought I ought to take their example and make a Patreon Address as well. In this, I talk about my goals for the year, month, and even day that I have set for myself, and how well I have achieved them. If that kind of stuff interests you, then check it out and see how it's going.

I'll put this first one onto the normal feed in a week so that people who don't subscribe to Patreon will know that it exists, but next time around, this will be a total Patreon exclusive.

As always, thanks to Kevin McCleod at for the music.

Check it out over on Patron!

To go along with it, I figure I ought to post my charts for the last month to give you a visual guide that you can follow along with while listening, if you want to. Here's my September writing totals:


Here's the total for the year to date:

Here's the charts for the year to date...I suspect you'll have to zoom in on those to see what anything on them says, but then again, maybe your eyes aren't as bad as mine have become in the last few years.

Maybe those pics were unnecessary, but I figured I'd include them if for nothing else than that I like to have records of everything on the blog for my future curiosity. Every now and then I like to go back and refresh my memory about when and how these things improved and so forth.

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