Monday, October 7, 2024

Halloween Decorations Post #5

Okay, today I figured I'd just show you the goofy alterations I made to my normal toys to turn them into decorations. A while back, my wife found these little plastic skulls at the dollar store. She thought it would be a cute decoration to get a carafe and stuff it full of those skulls. She did so, but had several skulls left over. She was going to throw them out, but I thought I might be able to put them to use. This is what I did:

Yeah, that's a 12-inch scale Spider-man with his head swapped out for that dollar store skull. I tried to come up with goofy new nicknames for all the super heroes that I did this to, but never did get a good one for Spider-man. The Skull-et Spider was the best one I came up with.

This one is better though. Here is Skullbuster:

I actually made a second Skullbuster this year. Check this guy out:

In this case, the skull looks a little closer to the proper size...maybe even a little small.

Then there's Skull Cap:

And Iron Skull:

This one is a new edition. Not sure about a name for him too...maybe Optimus Skull?

He was hard. The neck post for Optimus wasn't in the right place. I had to secure the head to his body using sticky tack to get it in the right place. The slightest jiggle would probably knock it loose.

That's it for those...but there's one more category like them that I figured I'd highlight. When I got my Mythic Legions skeleton figures, some of them came with extra heads. I've used them to spooky up a couple of my regular everyday figures. Like the GI Joe team. They look a lot more holiday-related when led by this guy, right?

And this Biker Scout looks cooler with his helmet off, so we can see the skull that lies beneath...

I ought to mention the bendy vampire guy I have there next to him. I got him a while back, and was impressed, considering the simplicity the figure should have had, but didn't.

I do have two other extra skulls, but they are spoken for now. They belong on the zombie astronauts that I turned Deo and Siona into...I put their picture in the last post, but I guess I can post it again, so you know what I mean. They're the zombies in the back.

Okay, that's it for now. Getting close to showing you all of it. I'll be back for more soon. See you then.

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