Sunday, December 25, 2022

Christmas Present

My wife got me this whole set of Princess Bride figures. All five! That’s about four more than I ever dreamed she might get.

I told her that I wanted them in early December. I thought I'd found a great deal on them on Amazon, but I failed to notice that they weren't part of the Prime shipping deal, and the shipping the seller wanted was exorbitant.

"Oh, whoops!" I said. "Forget it, I guess."

She didn't want to forget it, though. I'd given her an idea for a present, and she was going to run with it. Instead of giving up, she scoured the internet, and found an actual great deal. It was on a toy site she'd never heard of, and had no idea if it was reputable or just an identity theft front, but she took the chance, and got all five of the figures that I figured I would spend months trying to collect the whole set.

I have to admit that I was totally blown away to get them all at once today. It was a really great present. One of the best I've ever gotten.

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