Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Day 1 Of March

I couldn't just let it die, like I did back in 2011, the first time that I did a 500 words a day for a whole month challenge.

So, today is the first day of DuPoWriMar...or whatever I'll call this month. Not that it needs a goofy NaNoWriMo-like name or anything, but it's fun.

I have to do 1,000 words every day this month, and I started out day one with 1,026. It was more of a struggle to get there. I did check the word count about four times before I was finally far enough to quit. But I did it. Day one was a success.

Oh, I thought I'd share this with you. Don't know why, because it doesn't mean anything to you, but I like to see it. Here is my word count chart for February:

I guess I just want it posted for posterity. It's the beginning of great things for me. I can feel it for certain.

This is March's chart:

Eventually, it'll look just as awesome.

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