Sunday, March 5, 2017

Day 4 Of March

So, I'm only four days into March, and I've almost written 25% of February's word count already. Today I got in 1,187 words, most written after midnight, but 350 or so I did in the waiting room as my car's oil was changed. Here's my chart:

4,573 words in four days. February took me twice as long...which if I do the math is exactly the difference between 500 words a day and 1,000 words a day. So, not sure why I should think this to be amazing, but I still do.

I think there's something about seeing the numbers, actual numbers that represent actual words on a page. When I was still in the concept phase, I knew that it should double my output, but I'd never seen it happen before. Then came the actual performance phase when disbelief gave way to the proof. Actual evidence. Here I am--me? ME!--writing 1,000 words (or more) a day.

Yeah, that's me. I can do that. Four days in a row and counting.

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