Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Valentine's Is Over

Now it's time for Easter. I've got a few Easter-related toys that I can put into displays to use as Easter decorations. 

It's kind of funny, because I'm the only one who decorates for it. My wife never bothers to decorate for Easter at all. She used to, but I guess now that we're older, it's too much effort to dedicate.

I can definitely understand that. Over the past two years, I've barely wanted to do anything. My toys stayed in their boxes because it was too much effort to get them out.

Sad, considering the effort it took to acquire all of them.

But those days are gone. I'm not going to mope around anymore. Here's my Easter stuff for you to behold. Oh, and I'll put up the instagram version, in case you didn't know that it exists and aren't following it.

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